- V type duplex grinder
- Rotary table grinder
- T type centerless grinder
- T type surface grinder
- Double column grinder
- Cylinder grinder
- Honing machine
- Gear grinder
- Roll grinder
- Valve ball grinder
- Vertical double disc
- Bearing grinder
- Screw thread Grinder
- Vertical complex grinder
- Casting grinder
- C type centerless grinder
- CNC forming grinder
- Deburring machine
- Crankshaft grinder
- H type double surface
- Internal grinder
- Optical curve grinder
- C type surface grinder
- Tool grinder
The products models included G+BG 32,63,100 and 240, the machining range from 2 inch valve ball to maxim 64 inch,
all the whole range products equipped with CNC system, The maximum ball weight can be 25000KG, whole range
grinding roughness less than Ra0.4, roundness scope from 0.008 to 0.035mm for different diameter of valve ball.